Telesales Outsourcing: Promoting the Growth of Your Company
Telesales Outsourcing: Promoting the Growth of Your Company
What is telesales outsourcing?
Telesales outsourcing, simply defined, is when a business hires a third-party company that specialises in handling sales-related tasks, specifically selling products or services over the phone. It has two types: inbound and outbound. Inbound telesales is when current or potential customers call businesses for enquiries. The leads obtained from inbound calls are often referred to as “warm leads” since the prospect had already expressed awareness and interest in the business. On the other hand, outbound is when businesses are the ones to reach out to generate sales – calling prospective leads to push for a sale.

Processes involved in telesales outsourcing may vary depending on the agreement between the client and the provider. It could be dependent on aspects of strategy, objectives that need to be fulfilled, or issues that need to be addressed.
A team of telesales representatives who are already equipped with knowledge and expertise both in sales and technology will be the ones handling the tasks to make everything more efficient, structured, and organised.
However, the duties attached to this role are more than just picking up the phone and persuading people, it ranges from generating leads, direct selling, and building good customer relations. For a telesales representative to be effective, they need to possess excellent skills in communication, persuasion, critical thinking, attention to detail, and more, to balance it with an effective sales strategy and leverage sales processes to finally close those deals!
What do sales outsourcing companies do?
Sales outsourcing is an indirect process of selling through which the seller offers services to buyers while producing profits. Outsourcing companies provide reliable sales solutions to their clients that can increase the quantity of their product or expand it to new markets. The purpose of indirect selling is to reduce costs and risks for companies. Aside from that, companies can scale up easily without providing resources, employee training, and support.
Sales outsourcing is becoming in demand in industries that require high levels of security. Companies can rest assured that their data is safe and secure when it is managed by a third party, who will ensure the utmost standards are met and maintained. By doing this, businesses can focus on what they do best: running their core operations and meeting customer needs
What is B2B sales outsourcing?
Over the decades, technology has been the subject of considerable interest among traders. The world is progressing and so is the e-commerce industry, there are no signs of slowing down. The marketplaces are the optimal network for both consumers and buyers.
B2B sales outsourcing is deemed to believe a very efficient business strategy for enabling success. Outsourcing offers companies the opportunity to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Such companies have more time to focus on strengthening their core capabilities, devoid of distractions from other necessary day-to-day activities that can be outsourced.

But what is B2B sales outsourcing?
B2b Sales outsourcing is a direct connection between two businesses in a way to maximize sales which is “outsourced to a third-party service provider”. It is an alternative to traditional sales providers that exist entirely within companies. B2b outsourcing is a great way to increase efficiency, reduce costs and improve customer service.
Furthermore, with the rapid advancements in technology, B2B outsourcing is more efficient and cost-effective than traditional sales solutions. It unlocks businesses to drastically reduce their overhead costs while still having access to highly skilled professionals and advanced technologies.
What is the difference between telemarketing and telesales?
Telemarketing and telesales are terms that are often used interchangeably. But given that these two are closely related and even overlap, it’s understandable why it could cause confusion to some.
Telesales is a terminology that has been used much longer. It pertains only to the processes involved in converting generated leads into direct sales. Simply put, turning potential customers into buying ones or persuading existing ones to repurchase, making money for the business.
Whereas, telemarketing is an umbrella term that encompasses telesales procedures as its components, providing the foundation needed by telesales representatives to help them pursue leads effectively. Taking it from the definition of the word ‘marketing’, which involves promoting a product or service to promote and grab people’s interest; the primary difference is that telemarketing is done over the phone. Therefore, the responsibilities of telemarketers are to conduct market research, produce leads, give out information to promote interest and gather feedback on customer satisfaction with the end goal of building potential customers for the business.

In a nutshell, the distinction between telemarketing and telesales is that telemarketing creates opportunities by letting people know what your company offers while telesales chase after those opportunities to convert them into sales.
If you’re searching for a hassle-free solution to promote your products or services, consider telesales outsourcing. By entrusting your sales and marketing needs to a capable external team, you can enjoy a range of benefits, such as greater efficiency and productivity – thanks to the streamlined approach and expert techniques of your outsourced sales reps.
At The Point Company, we understand the importance of having a skilled team to handle your telesales operations. Our global lead generation specialists partner with B2B companies to help increase revenue and fill the sales pipeline with our fully outsourced telesales service. This means you won’t have to worry about handling an internal SDR team because we provide you with dedicated callers who work as an extension of your current setup, ensuring that you have all the resources you need to achieve your sales objectives. You dictate the campaign; and we handle the rest, ensuring guaranteed outcomes and a continuous pipeline for your business.
Outsourcing your telesales needs to The Point Company means you can focus on others. To uncover the many ways that we can help you, simply head over to our website and schedule a meeting with our team. Count on us to be the partner that will help you distinguish yourself from the competition while also elevating your telesales performance to new heights.
Written by Acer Amansec, Sia Montojo, and Sakti Kumar